Anja Olofgörs
Born 1987.
Lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden.
Anja Olofgörs is a visual artist whose multidisciplinary practice spans photography, video, sound and text, exploring themes of spatial and bodily boundaries. Her work often involves historical and contemporary narratives about care and intimacy cut across time and geography.
2021-2025 - BA, Art History, Södertörn University, Stockholm
2013-2015 - MFA, Slade School of Fine Art, London
2010-2013 - BFA, Valand Academy, Gothenburg
Additional Education:
2023-2024 - Spatial Text Practice, freestanding course, Konstfack, Stockholm
2021-2022 - The Negotiations of Writing, freestanding course, Konstfack, Stockholm
2011-2012 - Exchange Student, Camberwell College of Art, UAL, London
Solo Exhibitions:
2022 - Between Us, Victoria Yards, Johannesburg
2015 - Pop-Up Display, UCL Art Museum, London
2014 - #StayPink, Portico, University College London, London
2013 - Studio Experimentell, Centrum för fotografi, Stockholm
2012 - Comfort Zone, Monitor Gallery, Gothenburg
Selected Group Exhibitions and Performance:
2024 - Dina vänner & bekanta, SKF/Konstnärshuset, Stockholm
2022 - Open Studios and Members’ Exhibition, Slakthusateljéerna, Stockholm
2020 - Isolering | Kommunikation, Färgfabriken, Stockholm
2019 - Material Gestures, Feminist Practice in Dialogue, Art Licks Weekend, London
2019 - Splendour, Queen’s House, Royal Museum Greenwich, London
2019 - Oval Window, Gerald Moore Gallery, London
2018 - Field/s ONE, SluiceHQ, London
2018 - In Whose Eyes?, Feminist Practice in Dialogue, Beaconsfield Gallery, London
2017 - I am being Birgit Åkesson, SapientRazorfish, London
2017 - The Captive Body, The Norman Rea Gallery
2016 - Oral Rinse #2, Waterloo Action Center
2016 - Four, For, Fore, Bond House Projects
2015 -Past-Present-Future-Kult, Royal Vauxhall Tavern, London
2015 - Royal Society of British Artists, Gallery@LR, London
2014 - #StayPink, University College London - Portico, London
2014 - Interim Show, Slade Reseach Center, London
2014 - Residency Exhibition, SITE Sthlm, Stockholm
2013 - Slade Print Fair, Slade Research Center, London
2013 - Examensutställning, Röda Sten Konsthall, Gothenburg
2012 - Annual Photography Fair, Underground Gallery, London
2012 - A Midsummer’s Eve, V22 Summer Club, London
2012 - Welcome Home by No 6 Collective, 213 Lewisham Way, London
2012 - Spring Exhibition, School of Photography, Gothenburg
2012 - Base, Shoreditch Town Hall, London
Public Commissions
2024 - Liv och rörelse, Tillsammans Arena, Ljungby kommun, Ljungby, Sweden (finalist)
2024 - 300 meter essä, Hudiksvalls Sjukhus, Hudiksvall, Region Gävleborg, Sweden
2023 - The Faraway Nearby, Skaraborgs Sjukhus, Skövde, Region Västra Götaland, Sweden
2020 - Flowing, and Flown, Lugnet, Region Falun-Borlänge, , Sweden (finalist)
2020 - Monument, Skytteskolan, Gothenburg, Gothenburg Municipality, Sweden (finalist)
2019 - Aural Notations, Täby Simhall, Täby, Täby Municipality, Sweden (finalist)
2017 - In Circles, Djurängsskolan, Kalmar, Kalmar Municipality, Sweden (finalist)
2016 - We Are the Landscape, University Hospital, Umeå, Region Västerbotten, Sweden (finalist)
Grants and Residencies
2024 - Swedish Arts Grants Committee, one-year Working Grant
2019 - International Cultural Exchange, Swedish Arts Grants Committee/Iaspis
2019 - Two-year Workspace Grant, Transit Kulturinkubator, Stockholm, Sweden
2018 - International Cultural Exchange, Swedish Arts Grants Committee/Iaspis
2016 - Längmanska Foundation Grant
2016 - The Dean’s List 2015, University College London
2015 - Peter and Betty McLean Prize
2015 - William Coldstream Prize
2015 - The British School at Rome Award, Royal Society of British Art - shortlisted
2015 - Bloom Award by Warsteiner
2015 - Barto dos Santos Memorial Award
2014 - SITE Sweden residency, Stockholm
2013 - Carl Larsson Foundation Grant
2013 - Otto och Charlotte Mannheimers fund (March)
2013 - Otto och Charlotte Mannheimers fund (June)
2012 - Adlerbertska Foundation Grant
2012 - Otto och Charlotte Mannheimers fund (May)
Projects and Collaborations
2016 – ongoing
Feminist Practice in Dialogue
A working-group of twelve artists who meet regularly to discuss and examine structures and strategies for female artists’ art and practice. The group focuses on feminist art practice as an ongoing work-in-progress where inquiry requires continuous self-reflection and critical analysis.
2017 – 2017
A forum of twelve artists, curators and photographers from different parts of the world. Aims to promote transnational, cross-generational and interdisciplinary discussion between professionals in the arts. The forum started as an Artquest-funded project in 2017 and has been hosted at Photographers’ Gallery and Gasworks Gallery in London.
2016 – 2018
A Room of Our Own
A series of feminist gatherings that take place in a private setting. The idea is to create a space for ongoing feminist discussions. This includes socializing and communicating openly, sharing ideas, reflecting on questions and discussing creativity – touching on every situation that everyday life involves.
2015 – 2017
The Well and How to Climb Out of it (The World Turned Upside-down)
A working group of London-based artists, poets and writers who met regularly to discuss our practice in the context of contemporary culture.
UCL Art Museeum, London
UCL Library Collection, London
Work featured in various national and international private collections.
Publications & Online Articles
2022 -“Mina göranden växer in i min kropp” in Mörkrummet, #2, Online Publication
2021 - Excerpt from “Utgångspunkter” in Förhandlingar, an online magazine
2018 - Field/s, Limited Edition Portfolio Box
2018 - Art Licks Magazine, Issue 22
2018 - Iheartwomen, interview with Laura Hensser, Online Publication
2016 - Spotlight on the Slade, UCL Art Museum
2016 - Art Reveal Magazine, No12
2015 - Kristina, Artist’s Book
2015 - Social Constructs, Slade Coldstream Prize 2015, UCL Art Museum's Blog
2015 - [Chair], 1st edition 50 copies, Artist’s Book
2014 - Working on my shit, MFA/MA Media, Slade School of Fine Art
2014 - Berättande, #10, 4 ARK
2012 - Känsla, #8, 4 ARK
2011 - Verklighet, #7, 4 ARK
2010 - Fotografisk Tidskrift No f.3